Unanalogical - 2020

A video excerpt of a film installation, observing/ experimenting with the relation of digital and analogue.


Anders Denkende Mensen - 2019

For twenty-one years the old abandoned ‘ADM’ (Amsterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij - Amsterdam Drydock Company) has been occupied by a community squatting on the site. The industrial space was re-interpreted to reflect an alternative lifestyle enriching the cultural landscape of Amsterdam. After a series of involved court cases starting in 2015 what was now known as the ‘ADM’ community was threatened with eviction. This film is an observational account of the last few months of the ‘ADM’ before their eviction set for the 25th of December 2018. A film above all about people and the relationship between environment and community.


Soundscape I - 2018

A self-documented exploration of sound and environment.